TA to Teachers Program

Elementary Education, B.A.
TAs, Earn Your B.A. in Elementary Education Online With UNC Charlotte
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s online B.A. in Elementary Education Teacher Assistants (TA) to Teachers program at UNC Charlotte is a subprogram of our on-campus B.A. designed to train TAs to become degreed elementary education teachers. The program is specifically crafted to assist those currently working as North Carolina K–5 TAs to engage in coursework that will lead toward eligibility for an Initial Professional Educator’s License in K–6 Elementary Education.
Our TA to Teacher B.A. program in elementary education is designed to be completed in two years. All applicants must have received their Associate of Science or Associate of Arts degree.
Students in this elementary education program will learn to educate children from kindergarten to grade 6. You will learn:
- How schools are organized
- How children grow and develop
- The skills necessary to plan and teach a standard elementary education curriculum
- Strategies for working with diverse groups of students
- Processes for evaluating students’ academic progress
- How to evaluate teaching effectiveness
Program Contact
Cato College of Education
UNC Charlotte’s TA to Teacher program offers a comprehensive education in elementary education and making a lasting impact on children’s lives. Our program combines flexible online instruction with real-world application.

“I worked for Cabarrus County Schools as a Teacher Assistant (TA) for 18 years prior to obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. In 2021, I decided to return to college through the TA to Teacher Cohort at UNC Charlotte. I am so glad that this cohort was created to allow TAs the opportunity to complete their college degree while working full time.
The professors were great and understanding of the needs of the program. They were able to develop a rigorous curriculum and schedule that met the needs of the cohort. It is because of this cohort that I am now a full-time teacher at the school where I’ve worked for the past nine years.”
– Tamika Johnson, ’23 B.A. in Elementary Education
Second Grade Teacher, Wolf Meadow Elementary School, Cabarrus County Schools
Participants will complete 60-hours of coursework within the B.A. in Elementary Education program, which includes one semester of student teaching. Classes may be offered full-term (16 weeks), or part-of-term (8 weeks). The program is designed to span the course of two years. Students take 6 credits in fall (part-time), 6 credits in spring (part-time) and 12 credits in summer to attain the required total of 63 credit hours. The online delivery will consist of a combination of synchronous and asynchronous delivery of content via Canvas.
Summer: First Half (May – June)
- ELED 3120: The Elementary School Child (3)
- ELED 3292: Theories and Practice for Equity in Urban Education (3)
Summer: Second Half (July – August)
- ELED 3111: Instructional Design and Assessment in Elementary Education (3)
- MATH 1340: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I (3)
- First Half – ELED 3226: Teaching Language Arts to Elementary School Learners (3)
- Second Half – MAED 3222: Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Grades K-2 (3)
- Full Semester – READ 3224: Teaching Foundational Literacy Skills (3)
Clinical Requirements for Fall: Completion of 30 Hours in a K-2 Classroom over the Fall Semester. Assignments include but are not limited to: observations and planning/teaching small and whole groups.
- READ 3226: Teaching Reading to Intermediate Grade Learners (3)
- MAED 3224: Teaching Elementary Mathematics, Grades 3-6 (3)
Clinical Requirements for Spring: Completion of 30 Hours in a 3-5 Classroom over the Spring Semester. Assignments include but are not limited to: observations and planning/teaching small and whole groups.
Summer: First Half (May – June)
- ELED 3221: Teaching Science to Elementary School Learners (3)
- ELED 3223: Teaching Social Studies and Diversity (3)
Summer: Second Half (July – August)
- READ 4161: Assessment, Design, and Implementation of Classroom Reading Instruction (3)
- EDUC 4290: Modification Instruction for Learners with Diverse Needs (3)
- First Half – ELED 4220: Instructional Planning for Diversity in the Elementary School Classroom (3)
- Second Half – ELED 4121: Assessment and Instructional Differentiation in the Elementary School Classroom (3)
- Second Half – ELED 4122: Creating an Effective Environment in the Elementary School Classroom (3)
Clinical Requirements for Fall: K-5 placement with a qualified Clinical Educator. Completion of 1 day a week or 2 half days for Fall Semester. Assignments include but are not limited to: planning/teaching/assessing individual, and small or whole groups.
Spring: (Student Teaching)
- ELED 4420: Student Teaching/Seminar: K-6 Elementary Education (15)
Clinical Requirements for Spring: Continue with K-5 placement with a qualified Clinical Educator. Released from TA Responsibilities to complete full time Student Teaching Internship for 16 weeks.
Admissions & Requirements:
To be considered for admission to the TA to Teachers program, candidates must meet the following minimum admission eligibility requirements:
- Completed undergraduate admissions application and fee.
- NOTE: If you are a former UNC Charlotte Student, please complete a Readmission Application and not an Undergraduate Admissions Application.
- A minimum 2.7 GPA.
- An Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree completed by May 2025 at the latest*.
- Transcripts demonstrating a grade of C or above in EDUC 1511 and SPED 2100. (If you have not completed these courses, you will be given an alternative online option prior to the start of the program.)
- A recommendation from a Principal/ Administrator on official school letterhead.
- Passing Praxis Core Scores.
- Get help preparing for the Praxis Core Exam: Find out more about a Praxis boot camp offered by teach.org of North Carolina, as well as this ed2go online course which helps you get ready for the Praxis Core Exam.
- Currently working as a North Carolina K-5 Teacher Assistant
*Transfer and General Education Requirements
We are in partnership with Central Piedmont Community College so that you can complete your Associate of Arts- Teacher Preparation program to seamlessly transition to UNC Charlotte’s program.
Associate degrees earned at out-of-state schools are not guaranteed to transfer to the TA to Teacher path. We will evaluate your associate degree and all transfer credit once you submit your application, application fee, and all transcripts. If your associate degree does not transfer, you must meet (or complete) the UNC Charlotte general education requirements prior to admission to the TA to Teachers program.
If you do not have a completed Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree by May 2025, we recommend that you reach out to a local community college to finish the degree. We are happy to work with you if you are in this process.
Undergraduate Admissions Application Deadline: March 1, 2025
Step 1: Submit Request for Information Form
Please fill out and submit the “For More Program Information” form. An Enrollment Specialist will reach out to discuss the program and admissions process.
Step 2: Pre-Admission Transcript Review
After speaking with an Enrollment Specialist, you will need to share your unofficial transcripts for preliminary review. The program director will then reach out to discuss your eligibility to apply to the program.
Step 3: Apply for admission to UNC Charlotte
After you have spoken with the Program Director and are prepared to apply, start by completing a university application.
New Student to UNC Charlotte
Deadline: March 1 (Please note: Applications open in August)
Students with associate degrees are considered transfer students. Apply as a transfer student to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Create an account.
- Choose “Education: Elem. Ed. for Teacher Assistants” for your program
- Complete the application.
- Provide all official post-secondary transcripts.
- Application fee must be paid for your application to be processed.
Returning Student to UNC Charlotte
Deadline: March 1
Students who have not been enrolled for 12 consecutive months after the semester last attended at UNC Charlotte will need to apply for readmission to the University. Apply as a returning student to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
- Choose “Education: Elem. Ed. for Teacher Assistants” for your program
- Choose “Summer I 2024” as your start term
- Attach your principal letter of recommendation and Praxis Core scores at the end of the application as additional items
- Complete the application
- Provide all official post-secondary transcripts
- Application fee must be paid for your application to be processed
Admissions Decisions:
If admitted to the university, you will receive additional communication from the Program Director about your next steps to gain acceptance to the TA to Teacher program.
Students who receive an admissions or readmission decision regarding admittance or denial to the university will be notified by Admissions or the Registrar directly.
Boost Your Teaching Career With Your B.A. in Elementary Education
UNC Charlotte alumni who completed the B.A. in Elementary Education program are teaching in elementary schools such as:
- Wake County Public Schools
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
- Cabarrus County Schools
- Union County Public Schools
- Gaston County Schools
- Kannapolis City Schools
Why UNC Charlotte
Why Earn Your B.A. in Elementary Education Online From UNC Charlotte?
By choosing UNC Charlotte’s online TA to Teacher B.A. degree program, you’ll enjoy a number of advantages, including:
Learn from faculty experts. Choosing UNC Charlotte means joining a vibrant community of educators who are not only experts in their fields, but also passionate advocates for their students. They’ll challenge you to think critically, ignite your own passion for learning and prepare you to become a leader among the next generation of educators.
Complete your B.A. online in just two years. Designed for working North Carolina K–5 TAs, our fully online program allows you to continue working full time as you earn your B.A. in Elementary Education. This program is offered in a cohort model, so students admitted at the same time will take the same courses together over the program’s two years. Our program features a mix of synchronous (live) and asynchronous (not live) courses. All live courses are offered on weekday evenings.
Gain practical skills and prepare to become a licensed teacher. You will learn and apply evidence-based knowledge and practices in the field of elementary education. Graduates of the program are prepared to meet the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards (NCPTS) and the 10 Interstate New Teachers Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) Standards for new teachers (Content Pedagogy, Student Development, Diverse Learners, Multiple Instructional Strategies, Motivation and Management, Communication and Technology, Planning, Assessment, Reflective Practice, School and Community Involvement).
Use your classroom as your student teaching experience. You will use your current school classroom to complete the student teaching experience required for this program. The student teaching experience lasts for one semester, in addition to the 63 hours of coursework required to earn your B.A. in Elementary Education.
All teacher education programs at UNC Charlotte are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
Please note: Rates are subject to change.
- $189.48 per credit hour
Outside of NC Non-Resident:
- Not Applicable
- $800.40 per credit hour