Mike Putman

Mike Putman
S. Michael Putman is a professor and the department chair in the Department of Reading and Elementary Education at UNC Charlotte. His research interests are focused on the development of teacher self-efficacy and intercultural competencies through field experiences and the relationship of affective variables on literacy outcomes, including those associated with online inquiry. He has published his work in various journals, including The Reading Teacher, Action in Teacher Education, and Urban Education.
Dr. Putman teaches courses in action research, classroom management, and curriculum and instruction. He has supervised over 200 action research studies and more than 100 behavioral intervention studies. Dr. Putman is also passionate about providing teacher education candidates with opportunities to develop global and intercultural competencies. He has directed study abroad trips to South Africa and Spain and guided the creation of the Applied Understandings in Global Education minor.
Ph.D., 2004, Ball State University – Elementary Education
M.A.E., 1999, Ball State University – Elementary and Early Childhood Education
B.A., 1993, S.U.N.Y Geneseo – Mathematics
Courses taught include:
Critical Issues in Elementary School Professional Development and Teacher Learning
Introduction to Education and Diversity
Current Issues in Education
Diverse Learners
Instructional Design and Technology Integration in Elementary Schools
Multicultural Education: Modifying Instruction for Urban Learners
Integrating Curriculum for Diverse Elementary School Learners
Current Issues in Global and Urban Elementary Schools
Classroom Management and Leadership for Diverse Learners
Teacher Inquiry and Data Analysis in the Elementary Classroom
Teacher self-efficacy
Online reading comprehension and inquiry
University of North Carolina Charlotte, 2018 Provost’s Excellence in Teaching Award – Department of Reading and Elementary Education (Chairperson)
University of North Carolina Charlotte, 2017 Excellence in Assessment Award – Department of Reading and Elementary Education (Chairperson)
Distance-Educator.com Research Article of the Week: Redefining Online Discussions: Using Participant Stances to Promote Collaboration and Cognitive Engagement, 2012
Ball State University, Department of Elementary Education Research Award, 2010-2011
Ball State University, Excellence in Teaching Award, 2006-2007
Curriculum Development & Proposal Task Force, Niner University Elementary (2018-present)
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, AACTE Committee on Global Diversity, Chair (2019-2020)
Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers, Co-Editor, Literacy Research and Instruction (2016-2019)
Tan Kap Vini English Literacy Project, Faculty Advisor (2015-2019)
Lake Norman Charter School, Global Inclusion and Diversity Committee (2013-2019)
Lake Norman Charter School, School Board (2013-2016)
Selected Publications
Putman, S. M., & Rock, T. (2017). Action research: Using strategic inquiry to improve teaching and learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Byker, E. J., Putman, S. M., Polly, D., & Handler, L. (2018). Examining Elementary Education Teachers and Preservice Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Related to Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). In C. Hodges (Ed.), Self-Efficacy in Instructional Technology Contexts (pp. 119-140). New York: Springer International.
Putman, S. M. (2017). Teacher candidates in international contexts: Examining the impact on beliefs about teaching culturally and linguistically diverse learners. In H. An (Ed.), Efficacy and Implementation of Study Abroad Programs for P-12 Teachers (pp. 295-321). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Byker, E. J., & Putman, S. M. (2019). Catalyzing cultural and global competency: Investigating the effects of study abroad on preservice teachers. Journal of Studies in International Education, 23, 84-105. DOI:10.1177/1028315318814559
Cash, A., Byker, E. J., Putman, S. M., & Polly, D. (2019). Candidate and program characteristics associated with EdTPA performance. Action in Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2019.1600602
Siwatu, K., Putman, S. M., Starker, T., & Lewis, C. (2017). The Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Self-Efficacy Scale: Development and initial validation. Urban Education, 52, 862-888. DOI:10.1177/0042085915602534
Putman, S. M. (2014). Exploring dispositions towards online reading: Analyzing the Survey of Online Reading Attitudes and Behaviors. Reading Psychology, 35, 1-31.
Putman, S. M. (2012). Investigating teacher efficacy: Comparing preservice and inservice teachers with different levels of experience. Action in Teacher Education, 34(1), 26-40.