Drew Polly

Drew Polly
Program Coordinator, Graduate Certificate/License in Elem. School Mathematics
Strand coordinator, Elementary Education strand of PhD program in Curriculum and Instruction
Research Interests:
My research and teaching focus on supporting pre-service and in-service teachers design and implementation of learner-centered tasks. My work explores how teacher education and professional development programs can most effectively support teachers’ efforts to integrate technology and learner-centered tasks into their classroom.
Current Projects:
Assessment Practices to Support Mathematics Learning and Understanding for Students (APLUS)
A state-wide Mathematics Science Partnership project funded by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. The grant involves 6 school districts and provides professional development about mathematics formative assessment for teachers in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 2.
Exploring Mathematical Tasks
This project focuses on exploring how teachers design, implement, and modify mathematical tasks in their classrooms. This project focuses on the interplay between mathematical tasks and student understanding.
Technology Integration in Mathematics
This project focuses on exploring how teachers integrate technology in their mathematics teaching. The focus is on the interplay between technologies, mathematical tasks, teachers’ actions, and student understanding.
Past Projects:
Content Development for Investigations (CoDe-I)
A Mathematics Science Partnership project funded by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Over 400 teachers participated in 70 hours of professional development focused on the Investigations mathematics curriculum as well as the implementation of the Common Core Mathematics Standards