Adriana Medina

Adriana Medina
Adriana L. Medina is an associate professor at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She received her Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Peabody College for Teachers at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. She has her master’s degree in Reading Education from Florida International University and her doctorate in Reading from University of Miami. Dr. Medina has experience in school-based educational research and in the evaluation of instructional programs. She teaches courses in content area literacy, reading assessment and intervention, and teaching reading to English language learners. Dr. Medina’s research interests include adolescents who struggle with literacy, teacher education in a global context, and educational program evaluation.
Ph.D. 2006 University of Miami, Reading
M.S. 1997 Florida International University, Reading (K-12)
B.S. 1992 Vanderbilt University, George Peabody College for Teachers, Secondary Education, English
Graduate Courses
Teaching Reading to English Language Learners
Diagnostic Assessment and Instruction in Reading
Middle/Secondary Reading and Writing
Integrating Reading & Writing in the Content Areas
Independent Study in Reading, Language, and Literature
Undergraduate Courses
Multicultural Education: Modifying Instruction for Urban Learners
Investigating the Reading Curriculum
Integrating Reading & Writing across Content Areas
Teaching Reading to Intermediate Grade Learners
Teaching Reading to Primary Learners
Designing a Technology-Rich Learning Environment
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
adolescents who struggle with literacy, teacher education in a global context, and educational program evaluation
Awards & Honors
• Nominated for Faculty International Education Award (2016, 2017)
• Attended WISE Conference by invitation from the Office of Education Abroad
• Phi Beta Delta, Mu Chapter, Honor Society of International Scholars, UNCC (2015)
• Honoree, International Women’s Day, UNC Charlotte (2015)
• Recipient of College of Education Diversity Award (2014)
• Recipient of Journal of Reading Education Research Article Award (2012)
• Nominated for College of Education Service Award (2012)
• Bank of America Faculty Fellowship in Early Reading and Child Development Recipient (2008-2009)
• Graduate School Research and Creativity Forum (2nd Place Winner, 2003)
• Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (1998, 2000, 2002)
• Marie Silverman Graduate Award Recipient (2002)
• Marguerite Cogorno Radencich Graduate Award Recipient (2002)
• Graduate Assistantship Recipient, University of Miami (2000 – 2003)
• Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society (2002)
• Alpha Epsilon Lambda Honor Society (2001)
• Bertha Shouldice Secondary Reading Teacher of the Year Award (Runner-up, 1998)
• Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Florida International University (1997)
• Chancellor’s Accolade Scholarship for Outstanding Minority Student, Vanderbilt (1991)
• Judge Edith M. Atkinson Girl Scout Scholarship (1988)
Community Involvement
• Member, International House Rising Readers Advisory Council (2016)
• Member, The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School Partners Evaluation Committee Board (2016)
• Member, Mecklenburg Area Catholic Schools (MACS) Board (2008-2014)
• Member, The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School Partners Program Committee Board (2011-2013)
• Member, The Center for Adolescent Literacy (2008-Present)
Selected Publications
Juried or refereed journal articles (* denotes data-based scholarship)
Miller, E. R., Morgan, B., & Medina, A. L. (2017). Exploring language teacher identity work as ethical self-formation. Modern Language Journal*
Pilonieta, P., Medina, A. L., & Hathaway, J. I. (2017). The impact of a study abroad experience on preservice teachers’ dispositions and plans for teaching English language learners. The Teacher Educator.*
Medina, A. L., Hathaway, J. I., & Pilonieta, P. (2015). How preservice teachers’ study abroad experiences lead to changes in perceptions of English Language Learners. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 25, 73-90.*
Medina, A. L. (2012). Predictors of performance on the FCAT of adolescents who struggle with reading. The Florida Reading Journal, 48(3), pp. 8-15. *
Medina, A. L., & Schumm, J. S. (2012). Kindling or dousing dispositions toward reading: A content analysis of the reading journeys of inservice teachers. The Journal of Reading Education, 37(3), pp. 21-28. *
Medina, A. L., & Pilonietta, P. (2010). Increasing accessibility to an alternative teacher certification program: Transitional needs of working adults. In S. Szabo, T. Morrison, L. Martin, M. Boggs, & L. Raine (Eds.), Building literacy communities, Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Yearbook (vol. 32, pp. 117-134). Commerce, TX: Texas A & M University-Commerce Press. *
Pilonieta, P., & Medina, A. L. (2009). Reciprocal teaching in the primary grades – We can do it too! The Reading Teacher, 62(2), pp. 120-129. doi:10.1598/RT.63.2.3 *
Bessell, A. G., Deese, W. B., Medina, A. L. (2007). Photolanguage: How a picture can inspire a thousand words. American Journal of Evaluation, 28(4), 558-569.
Medina, A. L. (2006). Where the beginning ends: Studying leads in literature in order to write attention-getting introductions. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(3), p. 190-193.
Ahwee, S., Chiappone, L., Cuevas, P., Galloway, F., Hart, J., Lones, J., Medina, A. L., Menendez, R., Pilonieta, P., Provenzo, E. F., Shook, A. C., Stephens, P. J., Syrquin, A., Tate, B. The Hidden and Null Curriculums: An experiment in collective educational biography. Educational Studies 35 (1), February 2004, p. 25 – 43.
Book Chapters
Medina, A. L., Tobin, M. T., Pilonieta, P., Chiappone, L. L., Blanton, W. E. (in press). Application of computer, digital, and telecommunications technologies to the clinical preparation of teachers. In D. Polly, C. Mims, & K. Persichitte (Eds.), Creating Technology-Rich Teacher Education Programs: Key Issues. IGI Global, Hershey, PA.
Pilonieta, P., & Medina, A. L. (2009). Meeting the needs of English language learners. In K. D. Wood & W. E. Blanton (Eds), Promoting Literacy with Adolescent Learners (pp. 125-143). NY: Guilford Press.
Harmon, J., Wood, K. D., & Medina, A. L. (2009). Vocabulary learning in the content areas: Research-based practices for middle and secondary classrooms. In K. D. Wood & W. E. Blanton (Eds), Promoting Literacy with Adolescent Learners (pp. 344-367). NY: Guilford Press.
Medina, A. L., (2008). History of Reading. In E. F. Provenzo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Blanton, W. E., & Medina, A. L. (2008). Context. In E. F. Provenzo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Blanton, W. E., Medina, A. L., & Pilonieta, P. (2008). Community of practice. In E. F. Provenzo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Medina, A. L. (2006). The Parallel Bar: Writing assessment and instruction. In J. Schumm (Ed.). Reading assessment and instruction for all learners: A comprehensive guide for classroom and resource settings. New York: Guilford.
Pilonieta, P. & Medina, A. L. (2006). Once upon a time: Comprehending narrative text. In J. Schumm (Ed.). Reading assessment and instruction for all learners: A comprehensive guide for classroom and resource settings. New York: Guilford.
Blanton, W. E., Shook, A., Hocutt, A., Medina, A., Schumm, J. (2006). Professional development of reading teachers: Biography and context. In K. R. Howey, L. M. Post, & N. L. Zimpher (Eds.). Recruiting, preparing, and retaining teachers for urban schools. Washington, D.C.: AACTE.